"Silently Being" embarks on a profound exploration of girlhood, delving into the essence of existence devoid of the male gaze, societal constraints, and personal insecurities. Inspired by the Afrocentric reinterpretation of 'The Women on Algiers', this evocative piece invites viewers to peer beyond the surface, into the raw and unfiltered experience of girlhood.

With each image, the artist captures the essence of carefree innocence, portraying girls as whole, human beings untethered by societal expectations. Against the backdrop of Afrocentric aesthetics, "Silently Being" becomes a sanctuary where girls are free to simply be, devoid of external judgments or constraints.

Through its nuanced portrayal of existentialism in girlhood, this artwork serves as a mirror, reflecting the universal truths of human experience. It beckons viewers to embrace the purity and authenticity of girlhood, offering a poignant reminder of the inherent beauty found in simply existing.